The easiest way to put a smile on your child’s face

Joining the pixels part I - The positive impact of photo therapy on your child’s mental wellbeing

November 30, 2023


From the very beginning, our goal at BackThen has been to not just help families capture moments, but to cultivate connections that last a lifetime. Every photo, every smile, every cherished memory; it’s all a testament to the deep bonds that form the foundation of our lives. Yet, we were curious – how deep does this connection run? How do these captured memories impact our children's emotional and mental wellbeing?

That’s what drove us to collaborate with The Pulse Business on this report. We wanted to peel back the layers of our everyday interactions and delve into the true essence of the magic behind photographs. The realm of photo therapy, although it might sound like a modern concept, resonates with our ancient need for storytelling and shared experiences. Using photography as a medium, this expressive arts therapy is a testament to how parents can fortify their bond with their children.

While we're experts in enabling these cherished memories, we sought the expertise of Professor Geoffrey Beattie to truly understand their impact. His acclaim as a psychologist and broadcaster is evident, especially through his keen insights during his time as the Big Brother on-screen psychologist. Professor Beattie’s reflection on the “considerable psychological power of family portraiture” certainly resonated with us.

What we discovered is that the realm of family photography isn't just about capturing moments; it's about triggering rich conversations that sew families closer, it’s a therapeutic exercise in mood regulation, and most importantly, it's a key to strengthening the memories that our children will carry with them as they navigate the journey of life.

This profound impact on children's mental wellbeing isn’t something to be taken lightly. Our mission has always been to nurture family bonds, and understanding this only reaffirms our commitment to our cherished community. Throughout this report, you’ll find keen insights from Professor Beattie, our very own Pete Triplow, and heartwarming testimonials from our user community.

This isn’t just data on a page. It's a testament to the love, care, and commitment you all show to your families every single day. It's about recognising the simple, yet profound ways you're shaping the mental and emotional landscape of your children's lives.

So, grab a drink and dive into a journey that’s as much about understanding the science as it is about celebrating the tapestry of family bonds. Discover how, with every snap and every shared moment, you're laying the foundation for your child's mental wellbeing.


The Pulse Business surveyed a sample size of c6,000 parents across the UK and the US, in August and September 2023.

Triggering conversations and binding families

Family is all about connection. It's that comforting feeling of belonging, of being part of something larger than oneself. And in the midst of our busy lives, sometimes, we need reminders of these connections. This is where family photographs step in.

Research has consistently shown the profound effects of a strong sense of belonging on a child’s mental wellbeing. Kids who feel connected to their family generally experience fewer emotional issues, feel better about themselves, make safer choices, and even do better in school.

Photos and 'connection'

Now, you might wonder, how can a simple photo help? Well, as Professor Beattie puts it, family photos act as a powerful “social binding device”. Our own research with family photo albums and online journals, like BackThen, confirms this. A striking 94% of parents felt more connected with their families when looking at their child's photos together. Additionally, 89% felt these shared moments amplified their child's sense of belonging.

Photos and 'sense of belonging'

From our community's perspective, these aren’t just photos—they're memories, stories, and affirmations. Looking at family pictures isn't just a pastime; it's an activity that reinforces love, significance, and a shared history. As one user shared with us, “It creates chances for us to connect, share moments and I believe it helps her feel more loved and connected to see moments that happened that she may not actually remember happening because she was so little.”

Here’s a glimpse of what our community has to say:

She loves to look at the memories with me. It's an instant bond reliving those moments. Creates lots of dialogue.
Looking at photos together creates a bond as we tell stories and reminisce about the events in the photos.
Seeing themselves in photos - seeing how they’re loved and how they have meaning - certainly increases our children’s sense of belonging.

Echoing this sentiment, Professor Beattie observes, “Photo albums do seem to trigger a lot of conversations within the family and it’s these conversations that draw families together because they sit down to talk about it as one. Photography takes them to the next level of intimacy; it connects a family together on a deeper, more intimate level. It acts as a social binding device for the family.” 

And Pete Triplow adds: “What this research tells us is that for parents, looking at a timeline of photos with their children builds a closer bond and raises the importance of bringing those memories back into the present. It means the whole family can remember, share recollections that might have been forgotten and feel closer both through remembering the experience itself and being reminded of the pleasure it gave.” 

At the end of the day, in our fast-paced world, taking a moment to revisit memories through photographs is a simple yet powerful way to reinforce the bonds of family, reminding us all of where we come from and the love that surrounds us.

Photography takes them to the next level of intimacy; it connects a family together on a deeper, more intimate level. It acts as a social binding device for the family.

Active mood management

Everyone has those days—days where the world feels a bit grey and we need a little lift to remind us of the brighter colours in our life. Now, imagine if something as simple as a photograph could infuse a moment with warmth and joy.

A growing body of research sheds light on the benefits of active mood management. These techniques are potent tools in combating emotional lows, building resilience, and fostering a sense of well-being.

Enter family photo albums. As Professor Beattie puts it, “There are a number of categories of mood management techniques - some work really well, and others not well at all. Looking at family photo albums fits into the most effective category: active mood management, in which you distract yourself from the present negative mood and actively change your pattern of thinking. To a lesser extent, it also fits the second-most effective category: seeking pleasurable activities and distraction, the intentional act of engaging in activities or pursuits that elicit positive feelings.”

Photos and 'happiness'

The proof is in the smiles. An overwhelming 90% of parents shared that their child either smiles or laughs when revisiting family photos. For many, these albums become a beacon of positivity, especially during challenging times.

Photos and 'reactions'

As one parent shared: “My son often feels overwhelmed at times and photos help him focus on the positives. He smiles and talks about what happened in the photo and often talks about going back somewhere.”

And the magic doesn't stop there. Family photos aren't just snapshots—they're stories, memories, and ties that bind families closer together. They're laughter shared on a summer day, memories of trips, and reminders of milestones achieved.

A touching testament from a parent: “We love laughing and talking together about the old days, as Harrison is currently fighting cancer we look back and see how fun life was before and talk about how life will be once his treatment is over in three years time and he is cured.”

Other shared experiences echo the same sentiment:

My daughter loves to look back at photos of happy memories. She also likes to giggle at videos of her as a toddler!
Sometimes when we are looking through all the pictures, the grandchildren will start laughing when they see a picture that reminds them of something funny when that particular picture was taken .... then each grandchild will tell their version of the story.
My kids love looking through the app several times a week to see each other as babies, see their milestone moments or revisit memories of things we’ve done together.

As Pete Triplow puts it: “Family photo albums give a bigger picture and context to a child's life and their place in the family that surrounds them. Memories are a powerful emotional tool for anyone struggling in the present moment, providing reassurance, distraction, warmth and a vital comforting stability.”

Indeed, in the ever-evolving journey of life, family photo albums become our cherished pit stops, moments where we pause, smile, and journey onward with a rejuvenated spirit.

Implanting and strengthening childhood memories

Professor Beattie sheds light on this phenomenon, explaining, “Family photographs act as a prime, a way of enhancing a memory from a particular moment or time. The brain stores information about events in your life and information about your bodily sensations at the same time in an associated neural network. This network provides two cues to positive memories – the physical representation of people in a photograph itself and the congruent nonverbal behaviour that is the smile that is elicited when you look at the photograph. Both act together to help us remember the good times much more effectively.”

Pete Triplow further elaborates on the multifaceted nature of memories sparked by photos, “Family photographs can trigger different memories and emotions depending on your role in the moment and the family. A child shouting with delight while sprinting down a hill might remember that feeling of exhilaration, while a parent recalls the anxiety and then relief as they make it safely to the bottom. Using a photo as a base to revisit a memory allows that memory to be enhanced, embedded and given a greater context that adds immeasurable value going forward.”

In the grand tapestry of life, family photographs are the threads of golden moments, weaving memories that not only endure but also become treasured stories, shared across generations, always bringing a smile to the faces of those who remember.


As we draw to a close, a few themes become clear: the undeniable power of photography as a medium of connection, the emotional fortification it offers through memories, and the fundamental role it plays in shaping and maintaining familial bonds.

Photographs, as we've explored, are more than mere static images; they're dynamic, emotion-infused memories captured in time. They serve as bridges connecting us to moments of joy, resilience, and love, acting as powerful tools in mood management, strengthening the sense of belonging, and fortifying cherished childhood memories.

Beyond the empirical data and expert analysis, the heart of our exploration lies within our BackThen user community. Your stories, experiences,

and feedback have been the backbone of this research. Your anecdotes provided life to the data, and your shared moments of joy, nostalgia, and connection made all of this come alive in the most profound way. We are grateful to each one of you. Without your active participation and candid reflections, this journey would never have been made.

Your shared experiences serve as a testament to the importance of cherishing moments and the immeasurable value they add to our lives. We're excited about the future, where together, we'll continue to capture, share, and relive these precious memories. 

Thank you for being a part of this journey with us. Here's to many more memories, moments, and connections.

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