How do I control what mobile notifications I get?
BackThen offers you full control over what you want to be notified about, and how often. You can manage which mobile notifications (also known as push notifications) you get in the app.
First, head into the menu and then tap on any of the three areas for notifications indicated below:
Timeline updates - activity on your timeline such as notifications about new content, comments or likes (both email and mobile notifications).
Reminders - BackThen likes to delight you with fun memories that you may have forgotten, or comparisons of how your child looks now with some years ago. This area allows you to switch these on and off.
Marketing preferences - if you want to hear about any offers BackThen has for you, keep these on. Don't worry, we don't use your details for anything else.
For more on the different types of notifications and how you can change your settings, check out this guide.
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