Why does each export file contain directories for each date?

BackThen presents your entire timeline in order, with the date of each memory clearly labelled, and we want to make sure that remains if you ask for an export of any of your timelines.

As a result, each zip file has directories for each date, rather than being entirely flat, as then it would become less clear which photo belonged where.

However, if you would rather have a single folder with all your memories in once place, that is possible too, after download. Here’s how to do so:

On Mac: https://discussions.apple.com/thread/6422075

On Windows: The absolute easiest way is to enter the root folder that you unzipped the file to, and do a search for all files (i.e. search for *). When all files are found, mark all files (Ctrl + A), press Ctrl + X and navigate to the common root folder again. Now press Ctrl + V to paste all the files into the root folder. When finished, delete all subdirectories.

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